(a) Serving Members. All serving Officers, serving Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Guardsmen who have completed recruit training.
(b) Members.
(1) All Officers who are serving or who have formerly served in the Regiment.
(2) Officers and Soldiers of other Corps or Regiments who have formerly served in the Grenadier Guards and Regimental Band.
(3) Discharged Soldiers, provided that they have completed their recruit training in the Regiment and have been awarded a character assessment of not less than "SATISFACTORY".
(c) Associate Members. Members of the Association of other Regiments of the Household Division.
(d) Honorary Members. Ladies and Gentlemen who have not served in the Grenadier Guards, but who have given outstanding service to the Regiment (ie. Medical Officers, Chaplains etc.) and others as described in the By-Laws for Branches, Section II, paragraph 2.
5. The Executive Committee reserve the right to reconsider the membership accorded to all the categories mentioned in paragraph 4 above.
6. Discharged men or Army Reservists with character less than "SATISFACTORY" may apply to join the Association provided they can show that their conduct since leaving the Colours has been satisfactory. Applications should be made in writing to the General Secretary for special consideration by the Executive Committee who alone are empowered to elect or re-elect them.
7. Serving Members who have completed their Colour Service will be eligible for continued membership as follows:
(a) A Serving Member who has subscribed to the Days Pay Scheme for a minimum period of two years shall be given Life Membership. (b) A Serving member who has not subscribed as in sub-paragraph 7(a) above shall be invited to take up membership in accordance with the rules in force at the time. (c) A Serving Member must have been awarded a character assessment of not less than "SATISFACTORY" To be eligible for membership under sub-paras (a) and (b) above.
8. Any member shall struck off who has been convicted by the Civil Power, if, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, the offence is of a serious nature. Members dealt with under this Rule may apply for re-election, being subject to the provision of Rule 6
9. The Executive Committee reserve to themselves the right to expel any member or exclude any applicant for membership.
10. Those members of the Association who cease to belong under the Rules shall have o claim to a refund of any subscription or other payments made by him under these Rules.
11. Subscriptions shall be as follows:
(a) Officers of the Regiment
(1) Serving Members. All serving members shall be required to make an annual donation of £3 to the funds of the Association. This money will be paid through Regimental Funds from the Officers Days' Pay Scheme contributions.
(2) Past Members. All past officers shall be deemed to be Life Members and are invited to make an annual donation to the funds of the Association.
(b) Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Guardsmen
(1) Annual membership subscription: 50p per annum. For serving members this will be paid through Regimental Funds from the Day's Pay Scheme.
(2) Life membership subscription:
(a) Up to the age of 55 years: £5.00 sterling.
(b) 55 years of age or over: 3.00 sterling
12. All members shall be actively encouraged to donate an annual sum to the Association by way of a Deed of Covenant. This enables the Association to claim a refund of income tax on all such covenanted donations, thereby helping to further the objects of the Association. The normal Deed of Covenant authorises the donation to be paid at an unchanged rate for at least four consecutive years.
13. All donations to the Central Fund of the Association (including Deeds of Covenant) and legacies will be transacted through the Association Office. Members donations/subscriptions of a routine nature should be sent to the Branch Secretary concerned, for retention by the Branch.
14. All past Officers shall be deemed Life Members. Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Guardsmen, on completion of their Colour Service, may become Life Members in accordance with paragraphs 4(b) and 8(a) and (b).
15. Associate and Honorary Members are not eligible to become Life Members.
16. Free Life Membership may be granted at the discretion of Branches to those discharged soldiers who qualify under Rule 4(b)(3), and whose circumstances preclude them from paying the annual subscriptions
17. To consist of a President, and a General Secretary, who will also perform the duties of Treasurer). The President to be elected or re-elected at the Annual General Meeting and hold office for one year from 1st April. The General Secretary shall remain in office at the pleasure of the Association.
18. The President shall act as Chairman of the Executive Committee and at General Meetings, and preside at social gatherings. A Vice-President, who is a member of the Executive Committee shall act as Chairman in his absence, and if circumstances demand it, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of their number to preside.
19. The President shall be eligible for re-election.
20. The General Secretary shall keep the accounts of the Association in such a manner as may be required by the Executive Committee, and shall draw up the annual balance sheet and submit for audit, together with all necessary documents to the appointed firm of chartered accountants as soon as possible after the close of each financial year. A copy of the accounts and the trustee's annual report is to be forwarded to the Charity Commission. He will be responsible for the receipt and custody of the money of the Association and will ensure that all monies received are deposited at the bank at regular intervals and that all commitments of the Association are discharged without due delay. Further, he shall attend to all communications, dispose of ordinary correspondence which does not call for the attention of the Executive Committee, and keep and maintain in due and proper form the Roll of Overseas Members, those members who are not permanently attached to a Branch and the Minute Book.
21. Vice-Presidents will be nominated by the Executive Committee and elected at the General Meeting and will retain such office at the pleasure of the Association. It shall be open to a General Meeting to elect such members to the office of Vice-President as may be considered expedient in the interest of the Association.
22. The management, control and general administration of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in an Executive Committee of not less than ten members and not more than seventeen. The Executive Committee will consist of the President, the Regimental Lieutenant Colonel, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the Director of Welfare, the Financial Advisor, seven Area Representatives, the Officer Commanding the Battalion,Officer Commanding Nijmegen Company, the Sergeant Major of the Battalion,, and two Vice-Presidents nominated by the Executive Committee. With the exception of the Vice-Presidents, they will be elected at the Annual General Meeting and hold office for one year from April 1st. Vice-Presidents will be appointed for three years from April 1st . The Executive Committee shall have power to add or to decrease their numbers, but no ordinary meetings shall transact business unless seven members are present.
23. The Executive Committee shall meet in London on a date in October and on the day of the Annual General Meeting in the Spring of each year, to receive the reports, pass the half-yearly and yearly accounts, and transact such business as may be brought before it. It shall also meet on such other occasions as may be necessary to deal with urgent business, and seven days notice of such extra meetings shall be sent to members by the General Secretary.
24. The President shall be responsible for the calling of all meetings.
25. A Finance Committee consisting of five members of the Association will be appointed by the Executive Committee. One member will be nominated as Chairman of the Committee and will be a member of the Executive Committee. The Finance Committee shall meet as and when considered necessary to consider the financial transactions of the Association. This Committee will receive the General Secretary's report on the financial affairs of the Association for the half-year, prior to the Executive Committee Meeting in October and before the Annual General Meeting in the Spring and their recommendations will be passed to the Executive Committee though the Chairman. The accounts of the Association will be audited annually by an appointed firm of chartered accountants.
26. The Investments of the Association shall be supervised by a Financial Advisor nominated by the Executive Committee and elected at the General Meeting. He will be responsible for liaison with the Investments Managers and will keep the investments under review and advise the Executive Committee accordingly.
27. The Executive Committee may appoint as investments managers for the Association persons whom they are satisfied after inquiry are proper and competent persons to act in that capacity, and who belong to companies or firms of repute which are authorised or exempted persons within the meaning of the Financial Services Act 1986, otherwise than by virtue of s.45(I)(j) of that Act.
28. The Executive Committee may delegate to investment managers so appointed powers at their discretion to buy and sell investments for the Association on behalf of the Executive Committee in accordance with the investments policy laid down by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may only do so on terms consistent with Rules 27 to 31 inclusive.
29. Where the Executive Committee make any delegation under rules 27 to 28 inclusive they shall-
(a) inform the investment managers in writing of the extent of the Association's investment powers;
(b) lay down detailed investment policy for the Association and immediately inform the investment managers in writing of it and any changes to it;
(c) ensure that the terms of the delegated authority are clearly set out in writing and notified to the investment managers;
(d) ensure that they are kept informed and review on a regular basis the performance of their investment portfolio managed by the investment managers and the exercise by them of their delegated authority;
(e) take all reasonable care to ensure that the investment managers comply with the terms of their delegated authority;
(f) review the appointment or appointments at such intervals not exceeding 24 months as they think fit; and
g) pay such reasonable and proper remuneration to the investment managers and agree such proper terms as to notice and other matters as the Executive Committee shall decide and as are consistent with Rules 27 to 31 inclusive provided that such remuneration may include commission fees and/or expenses earned by the investment managers if and only to the extent that such commission fees and/or expenses are disclosed to the Executive Committee.
30. Where the Executive Committee make any delegation under Rules 27 to 31 inclusive they shall do so on the terms that:-
(a) the investment managers shall comply with the terms of their delegated authority;
(b) the investment managers shall not do anything which the Executive Committee do not have the power to do;
(c) the Executive Committee may with reasonable notice revoke the delegation or vary any of its terms in a way which is consistent with the terms of Rules 27 to 31 inclusive; and
(d) the Executive Committee shall give directions to the investment managers as to the manner in which they are to report to the Executive Committee all sales and purchases of investments made on their behalf.
31. The Executive Committee may:-
(a) make such arrangements as they think fit for any investments of the Association or income from those investments to be held by one or more corporate bodies which are incorporated in England Or Wales (or which has established a branch or a place of business in England or Wales) as the Executive Committee's nominee or nominees; and
(b) pay reasonable and proper remuneration to any corporate body acting as the Executive Committee's nominee in pursuance of this Rule.
32. Moneys belonging to the Association and requiring investment may in addition to the range of investment authorised by law for the investment of trust moneys (herein after called the "authorised range") be invested:
(a) So far as not within the authorised range governmental securities of any Dominion mentioned in Section 1 of the Statute of Westminster 1931, or of any province or state of such Dominion.
(b) The debentures or debenture stock or preference ordinary or deferred shares or stock or other marketable security of any company incorporated in the United Kingdom under general or special act of Parliament or by Royal Charter or incorporated under the laws of the United States of America or any State thereof incorporated under the laws of such Dominion or province or State thereof as aforesaid.
(c) Provided that no moneys shall be invested in any investment not within the authorised range or which is not dealt in or quoted upon a recognised Stock Exchange in the United Kingdom or in such Dominion as aforesaid or in the City of New York.
33. A General Meeting shall be held annually in March or April (the date to be fixed by the Executive Committee) to elect the for Executive Committee the following year, to hear the reports of the Executive Committee and deal with any other business brought forward. The time, date and place of the Annual General Meeting will be circulated by the General Secretary to all officers past and present, and to Branch Honorary Secretaries.
34. In the event that it becomes impossible or impracticable to carry out the objects of the Association, the Executive Committee shall recommend to a General Meeting that the Association be dissolved and that its funds and property be transferred to the Regimental Charitable Funds.
35. These Rules can only be amended, added to, or cancelled by a General Meeting, provided that no amendment addition or deletion shall be made at any time so as to cause the Association to cease to be a charity in law. Notice of proposals of amendment, addition or cancellation must be sent to the General Secretary by the 1st January for consideration by the Executive Committee.
1. The overall management and control of the affairs of a Branch of the Association shall be the responsibility of the Association, but for the purposes of the day to day management, control and general administration, this shall be vested in:
(b) Vice Presidents, at the discretion of the Branch President and Committee
(c) A Committee to be elected annually at the Branch Annual General Meeting, comprising: Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer (whilst these duties may be combined it is in the interest of all concerned that a separate Honorary Treasurer is appointed), Welfare Officers and such other members as may be deemed expedient for efficient management.
2. The President, or Vice- Presidents, shall act as Chairman at all Branch meetings unless a Chairman of Committee has been otherwise elected.
(a) A Branch President (under normal circumstances to be a past or present officer of the Regiment nominated by the President of the Association and the Regimental Lieutenant Colonel).
3. Serving members of local Regimental Recruiting Staff may be invited to become ex-officio members of a Branch Committee.
4. The Branch President, Vice-President and the Committee of a Branch shall be responsible at all times to the Association and shall be subject to removal from their respective positions by the Executive Committee of the Association, who may at their discretion appoint replacements in their place. Otherwise appointments of replacements shall take place in the normal way.
1. Applications for membership will be dealt with by Branch Secretaries, who will issue the appropriate membership card and maintain a record of the subscriptions paid.
2. Branches may appoint Honorary Members at the discretion of their Committees.
3. Members of Associations of other Regiments of the Household Division may be elected as Associate Members of a Branch. They are not required to pay a subscription, but will be invited to make a donation similar in amount to a full members annual subscription, to Branch funds.
1. Subscriptions
(a) Members subscriptions will be collected annually by Honorary Secretaries or Treasurers of Branches.
(b) Annual subscriptions for Serving Members will be divided equally between all Branches and paid to Branches from Central Funds in December each year.
(c) The subscriptions for Serving Members who are automatically granted Life Membership on completion of their Colour Service under paragraph 7(a) will be paid direct from Regimental Funds, to the Branch concerned, as part of the administrative discharge procedure.
Branch Working Expenses
(a) All Branches will be deemed to be self supporting, and claims for the refund of Branch working expenses, with the exception of welfare expenses, will not be met from Central Funds, except in exceptional circumstances, for which a special claim must be submitted to the Executive Committee.
(b) When National, or other special Association functions are held in a Branch area, refunds of additional expenditure may by made from Association Central Funds, with the approval of the Executive Committee.
3. Donations. Donations made to the Association under a Deed of Covenant scheme will, with the approval of the donor, be transferred in full to individual Branch funds in December of each year. This transfer of money concerns the main donation only, and shall not include any refund of income tax which is subsequently accrued.
4. Accounts. Branches will be responsible for keeping an account of all money received or paid out. This account is to be audited as at 31 st December of each year, either by properly appointed auditors or by at least two members of the Branch appointed by the Committee. The audited account is to be submitted to the General Secretary by 15th February for inclusion in the annual accounts of the Central Fund.
5. Welfare Expenses. All expenses incurred in investigating or furthering welfare cases within the Branch area, whether undertaken by the Branch Secretary or any other responsible office-holder, may be submitted for reclaim under paragraph 5 of section IV of these By-Laws.
6. Branch Assets. All Branch accounts and assets are to be held in the name of the Branch concerned. Under no circumstances are these to be held in the name of the individual members.
1. Branches will endeavour to get in touch with all ex-Grenadiers living in their district and to take under their special care disabled and aged Grenadiers, and by visits and other small attentions try to make their lives easier for them. They will also keep in mind the widows and children of former Grenadiers. Distress in either case is to be reported at once to Association Headquarters.
2. The Welfare Funds of the Association exist to provide help, either directly or indirectly, to those who have served in the Regiment and their dependants who are suffering hardship and distress and who are in need. The Funds exist to supplement State and Local Authority benefits and not to replace them. Full enquiries are to be made, but no grant which it is intended to reclaim is to be made without prior reference to the General Secretary. All applications for assistance are to be reported on the Common Application Form issued by Association Headquarters.
3. On receipt of an application for welfare assistance from an outside organisation the General Secretary will notify the local Branch of any decision taken and details of any further action required.
4. Names of members, recommended by a Branch Committee for consideration for an award of a Supplementary Allowance, are to be sent with fullest details on the Common Application Form to the General Secretary.
5. Expenses incurred in investigating welfare cases and in welfare visits may be claimed through the General Secretary, either separately for each case or collectively when a convenient sum has accrued. Members involved in the investigation of welfare cases and in making welfare visits may be reimbursed with their travel and other expenses incurred.
6. Where possible, Branches will endeavour to find employment for ex-Grenadiers who may require it, and members of the Branch should be encouraged to notify their Honorary Secretary when vacancies for employment are known to them.
1. On dissolution of any Branch the balance of any funds held by that Branch shall be paid into and become part of Association Central Funds.
1. When Branches require the services of the Regimental Band or other members of the Regiment at Branch Dinners, Lunches or on other occasions, the Branch President or Honorary Secretary must apply to the Regimental Adjutant.
2. The procedure for sending Loyal Messages to Her Majesty The Queen is for the Branch President to write to Her Majesty's Private Secretary at Buckingham Palace. Messages for His Royal Highness, The Colonel, should be sent to the Temporary Equerry at Buckingham Palace.