The Tidridge Family Website
Robert's (Rob) family on his great grand mother's side
John Titheridge/Tytheridge/Tetherig (1643-c. 1708) married to Ann Quallat (-1702)
Ann Tytheridge/Titheridge (1664-64), Ann T/T (1665-?), Mary T/T (1667-?), John Tythereg/Titheridge (1669-1711), Em Tytheridge (1672-c. 90),
William Tythereg/Titheridge (1674-1743), Sarah Titheridge (1677-?)
William Titheridge/Tythereg (1674-1743) married to Elizabeth Clement (c. 1613-1741)
William Tytheridge (1701-79), Mary Titheridge (1703-?), Elizabeth Titheridge (c.1705-05) Thomas Titheridge (1706-?) George Titheridge (c. 1710-11),
John (1710-67) Richard Titheridge (c. 1712-13), Sarah Titheridge (c. 1714-?) Ann Titheridge (c. 1716-43), Unknown male (c. 1719-19)
William Titheridge/Tytheridge (1701-79) married to Sarah Turner (1711-90)
William (1734-1802), Robert (1736-37), Anne (1737-c. 41), John (1739-41), Thomas (1741-41), John (1742-1815), Sarah (1744-83), Jane (1746-?),
Frances (1749-?), Thomas (1752-1811), James (1756-?)
John Titheridge (1742-1815) married to Elizabeth Hicker (-1806)
John (1765-?), Sarah (1769-?), Thomas (1777-91), William (1775-1851), James (1779-?), Jane [1779-?), Robert (1781-82)
William Titheridge (1775-1851) married to Priscilla Pargent [c1780-1840]
Fanny (1806-1866), William (1809-1873), Charles (1812-1874), Henry Titheridge/Tidridge (1815-1868)
Henry Titheridge/Tidridge (1815-68) married to Ann Newell (1815-73)
Harriett Ann (1840-?), Harry (1842-1916), Jane (1844-98), Ellen (1845-c.45), William (1845-1929), Mary (1847-?), Alfred (1850-1910), Priscilla (1851-?), Elizabeth Fanny, Emma (1859-?) Edith (1863-?)
Harry Tidridge (1842-1916) married to Ann Cullimore (c 1839-1917)
Ellen (1862-?) Harry John (1863-1944), Sarah Agnes (1867-?), George Cullimore (1869-1941), Alfred William (1871-?), Minnie Louisa (1873-c. 1939), Frederick C (c. 1877-1937), Annie (1878-?)
Harry J. Tidridge (1863-1944) married to Emma L. Newman
Edward Harry (1884-1971), Annie Louisa (1886-1949), William John Newman (1888-?), Amelia Minnie Georgina (1891-1939), Bertie (1893-1958),
Daisy Lillian (1896-1966), Ernest A. (1898-1917), John (1900-?), Louise Ellen (1902-81), Walter Sidney (1905-91)
Louise Ellen Tidridge (1902-81) married to John (Jack) Place (1903-52)
Children: Edward Place (1922-12), Jack Place (1924-2010) Gwendolyn Place (1926-?), Ronald Place (1928-?)
Edward Place (1922-2012) married to Gertrude Joyce White
Children: Malcolm Place (1949-?), Janet Place, John Place, Nigel Place
Janet Place married Richard Jones
Their child: Laura
Jack Place [1924-2010] married to Una Ingram
children: Derek [1950-?], Diane {1953-?]
Malcolm Place (1949-?) married to Jane Bettesworth (1953-?)
Their 1 child was: Robert David Place (1975-?)
Robert (Rob) David Place (1957-?) married to Janice Louise Aubertin (1979-?)
Their child: William Edward Sidney Place (2008-?)
Rob's family on his father's side
Christopher Warland Place (1873-1922) married to Eliza Keeping (1863-1952)
Christopher Place (1901-29), John (Jack) Place (1903-52)
John Place (1903-52) married to Louise Ellen Tidridge (1902-81)
Edward Place (1922-2012), Jack Place (1924-2010), Gwendoline Yvonne Place (1926-?),
Ronald Place (1928-?)
Edward Place (1922-?) married to Gertrude Joyce White
Malcolm Place (1949-?), Janet Place, John Place, Nigel Place
Malcolm Place (1949-?) married to Jane Bettesworth (1953-?)
Their child:
Robert David Place (1975-?)
Rob came to Canada prior to 2007
Robert (Rob) David Place (1975-?) married Janice Louise Aubertin (1979-?)
Children are:
William Edward Sidney Place (2008-?), Rose (2011-?)
Rob, Janice and William |
From: Rob Place
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 8:27 AM
Subject: Family Tree
Hi John
I came across your website with the Tidridge Family Tree. My great grandmother was Louise Ellen (Lulu) Tidridge who married John Place. If you're interested I have updated information regarding their descendants which you may want to update your family tree with?
Rob Place BSc (Hons)
Mumford Connect Web Design
Ph: (902) 649-2116
Cell: (902) 877-9338
From: John Tidridge []
Sent: September 26, 2010 11:45 AM
To: Rob Place
Subject: Re: Family Tree
Hello Rob,
Greetings from Canada... good to hear from you!
Maureen (my wife) and I spent our honeymoon at your Mum and Dad's. Please send what you have...
John T
From: Rob Place
To: 'John Tidridge'
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:56 AM
Subject: RE: Family Tree
Hi John
Not sure about you spending your honeymoon at my parents, I think you might be confusing me with someone else!
Hopefully the attached family tree will make things clearer. I'm the son of Malcolm and Jane Place. I'm in Nova Scotia having emigrated here about 5 years ago and became a Canadian citizen back in July.
The attached is just a small part of the overall family tree.
From: John Tidridge []
Sent: September 26, 2010 4:46 PM
To: Rob Place Subject: Re: Family Tree
Hello Rob..
Uncle Ted was the artist right? And he's your G-Dad? Long before I came to Canada he painted a picture of a Mountie for me!!! Your great aunt Gwen, who was in the Land Army during the war, would embarrass me by telling everyone she used to bathe me!
I think it will make more sense to have page completed on your GG-Mother! I shall start soon! (I changed my mind and now it's Rob's page)
How long have you been in Canada; have you been out to the good part of the country yet?
John T
From: Rob Place
To: 'John Tidridge'
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 5:44 AM
Subject: RE: Family Tree
Hi John
Granddad used to draw a lot before his eye sight started to go down hill about 10 years ago. I have lots of his pictures up in my office here and a whole bunch of prints of his pictures stored away. I vaguely remember my Granddad saying something about drawing a Mountie when I was over there last year.
I don't remember ever meeting Gwen or any of Granddad's brothers or sisters. I do know that Great Uncle Jack passed away earlier this year.
I've been in Canada for about 5 years now, I met wife here and we now live near Yarmouth, NS. The furthest west I've been is Winnipeg when I came to Canada on vacation back in 2002. I flew to Winnipeg from the UK and then worked my way back to Nova Scotia by train visiting Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax before flying onto Newfoundland and spending 5 days there before flying back to the UK. One day I'd like to head out West and travel around BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan, not sure when though with a young family to look after!
JANUARY 2013 John Tidridge (Rob's relative, too complicated to work out the exact connection!) received a collection of photographs from his cousin Florence Haven, New Jersey USA. The picture on the left had been included.
Those in the picture are: rr Ronald, Jack, Edward and Gwen. fr John and Louisa Place.
Louisa (Lulu) Place was Tidridge's aunt, making Rob his 1st cousin twice removed.
More pictures of Louise Ellen, Rob's great grandmother. All pictures would have been taken in the UK. The one on the left in 1935 and the one on the right 1938 The man is not identified.
The lady in the second photo tentatively identified as Winnie Lancaster, a friend.
Left hand picture Jack, Ron & Gwen. Picture taken in 1938, possibly in their garden
Right hand pictures, Ron & Gwen, again in the garden in 1938. Sure of identities!
This picture take in 1938, was a home production. It shows Gwen, their auntie Ethel, wife of Will & Ron, Gwen's brother presumably in the Place garden.
This too, is one of the pictures received from cousin Florence.
FEBRUARY 2013: Having struck up a relationship with Rob Place of Nova Scotia it was only a matter of time there was a closer contact with relatives, well one relative anyway. This came about with the arrival of some old photographs from the United States from cousin Florence Haven, of New Jersey.
The photographs were, in due time, shipped to the UK where a couple of interested relatives 'viewed them in an attempt to identify the people '. The results were to say at the least interesting and that matter is closed for the time being!
What did happen was that I received a telephone call from 'Uncle' Ted. Place Rob's grandfather, my Dad’s nephew…I think that’s correct! He had always seemed to be older than me...he was in fact at least a 'couple of years' older… 91 to 77! It seemed to be a tradition of sorts in my family to call older cousins 'aunt' or 'uncle' depending on the gender… but I digress.
Some interesting facts were learned: grandfather Tidridge did not own 2, Silverdale Rd.: it was owned by either the church, St. Mark’s, where he was the verger, or the school where he was head gardener.
I also learned the grandfather liked a shot of whisky, for 'medical purposes' of course, and the family gathered for a sing song around the piano most Saturday evenings... I have found it hard to get my head around either of these scenarios...certainly very enlightening.
It was also related that during WW II Silverdale had a lucky escape. An incendiary bomb came through the roof but fortunately landed on a bed that only had a mattress on it…it (the bomb) fizzled out that there was no damage apart to the spring!
And that ends this wee tidbit! No, one more item...Ted was an artist... some examples of his work follow...and it you have been to these places [I have] the drawings are as good as photographs!
John T.
Bargate So'ton c1800
Town Quay, So'ton c1800
God's House Tower, So'ton c1800
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John Tidridge
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